2022 IMMAF youth world championships
abu dhabi, uae

The International MMA Federation headed to Abu Dhabi in August for its 2022 Youth MMA World Championships for 12 to 17-year-olds as part of a three-year hosting rights agreement. Hosted by the UAE Jiu-Jitsu and MMA Federation, three categories of youth tournaments were held under IMMAF Youth MMA Rules for 12 to 13-year-olds (Youth C), 14 to 15-year-olds (Youth B) and 16 to 17-year-olds (Youth A). The rule sets have been modified from the Unified Rules with respect to the developmental stage and safety of each age group as advised by IMMAF’s medical, coaching, and regulatory affairs committees. IMMAF does not permit head strikes for competitors under the age of 18.


2022 IMMAF European Championships - Venice, Italy


2022 IMMAF Pan America Championships - Monterrey, Mexico