End of an Era: A Journey Through Grassroots MMA

As I sit down to write this blog post, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions. It is with a heavy heart, but also immense gratitude, that I announce my departure from the grassroots of MMA at IMMAF. After dedicating eight incredible years to developing and nurturing the sport I love, it's time for me to embark on a new adventure.

During my time at IMMAF, I have had the honour and privilege of witnessing the growth and evolution of the sport from the ground up. I have met countless incredible people from all corners of the globe, many of whom I'm proud to call lifelong friends. These connections have enriched my life and deepened my understanding of the human spirit, and for that, I am truly grateful.

Working with the next generation of athletes has been an inspiring experience. I have watched young fighters transform into skilled martial artists, their passion and determination driving them to new heights. The opportunity to learn from some of the best in the business of MMA and sport has been invaluable, and I am proud to have played a role in shaping these promising athletes' futures.

But as with all things, change is inevitable. While I will always cherish my time at IMMAF and the memories I've made, the time has come for me to move on to pastures new. I'm excited to embark on this new chapter in my life and explore the endless opportunities that await me.

As I bid farewell to IMMAF, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who have been a part of my journey. Your support, friendship, and shared passion for this incredible sport have made these past eight years unforgettable. I look forward to following the continued growth and success of MMA and the amazing individuals who make up its vibrant community.

Thank you all for the memories!
